Wednesday, April 7, 2010

my most random post to date

It's starting to bloom!
JT planted this beautiful tree in our yard because he knows how much I love white buds. If you were at our wedding you know I am all about white buds and cherry blossoms. I appreciate him so much for being such a thoughtful husband and for being such a hard worker.

*   *   *

Tonight American Idol almost broke the final straw. 
I vowed to JT that if the judges didn't use their save on Michael Lynche, my very favorite from the beginning, I would stop watching the show once and for all. And I was completely serious. One thing that was worth America's stupidity: I got to hear his rendition of "This Woman's Work" again, which is one of my favorite songs. Makes me want to watch Love and Basketball really bad! Love that movie!

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I want to make this recipe this week:

Whole Foods pork and pineapple tacos. Yum lime! Yum cilantro! Maybe if I add some avocado I will learn to like it? I really want to learn to like it! I'm sure it would taste good with mango, too, if I liked mango!

*   *   *

I had a super healthy dinner tonight.  
Since I'd exceeded my daily carb allowance and took a day off from cardio (just one Extreme Tower Strength pilates class, thank you very much!), I ate probably 10 celery sticks with one wedge of Laughing Cow cheese and yogurt with sliced strawberries and a sprinkle Kashi cereal on top. It was amazing!

Since a few weeks ago when that last rogue snow melted and the temperature has been perfect, I have been running outside 3-4 times a week with my dad on top of my 2 resistance strength Pilates classes a week. He turns 50 this year, and our goal is to get him fit + nifty = fifty by October. And I'm pretty proud of our progress. We run anywhere from 2-3.5 miles depending on the day and we're slowly finding our stride and breaking down the runner's wall (you know the one)! If I can say goodbye to eating unreasonable amounts at my parents' house and office goodies, I can say hello to bikini season and more long distance running again!

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My life would be absolutely nothing without God and His grace
This week, I rediscovered The Ragamuffin Gospel by Brennan Manning. It's my favorite book in the entire world, and I got so much out of it that I typed out all of my favorite quotes. Reading through them was sobering and exhilarating at the same time. If you want to see my little outline, let me know and I will send it to you!

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Aside from my relationships with God and people, I need singing and listening to music and writing regularly to feel whole. In addition to my blog, I have written one book (written during my senior year of high school through my sophomore year of college, which will never, ever see the light of day) and I have an idea for another based on my heart for young twenty-somethings who are figuring out adulthood and whatnot. My English professors and classmates would probably exile me, but I have grown to absolutely adore Christian chick lit (like my friends Anne Dayton & May Vanderbilt, and Judy Baer) as a way of escape when the 40-hour work week leaves me brain dead. 

All of the books in this genre I have read usually have to do with a successful young woman who has everything and loses it or doesn't like it, but I have yet to find one where the girl starts with nothing and has to figure life and love out on her own. Anyway, all that to say I have been working on this project here and there, and it's making me very happy!

*   *   *

I don't know why, 
but these past few weeks, 
I have felt 

always a work in progress, 
but more complete.
God is good!


  1. tasty 'word vomit'...did I really just say that!? He! It was a good it...bikini season again...already?? Hmmm. April = discipline month.

  2. Great job on the running! Will you guys be running the Tulsa Run?

  3. I always feel more whole in the spring time. There is something so blessed about coming out of the cold and into the sunshine. Random is okay, I always enjoy your posts!


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