Monday, October 5, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday, the liberating blog carnival that all started with MckMama! Kids or no kids, there are some things people just feel better about owning up to doing -- or NOT doing!

Like last week, when I stayed home from work sick, there's NO way on earth I'd watch ten episodes of One Tree Hill while I worked. There's no way I would indulge in guilty pleasures like that, much less waste several hours halfway watching a show while getting some serious work done.

Or while driving, I would NEVER honk at the Chic-Fil-A cow dancing on the corner of the street, only to realize it was inflatable and there wasn't an actual person inside. NOT Me!

I have NOT allowed six months to pass without a haircut for three consecutive times. Nope, NOT me! I have NOT resorted to wearing my hair in a ponytail almost everyday because my layers are unmanageable. I do NOT need my good friend Sarah T's help.

In Pilates class, I am NOT ALWAYS the fattest, slowest, and most embarrassing, often the youngest person there. Certainly I can keep up with the best of the 40 and 50 year-old women, and my body is definitely in the best shape since I am probably the only one who has not had children! And after a month of doing it, there's NO way I am still so sore after all of my classes. Surely I can handle them by now.

I would NEVER leave a full minute of grammar instruction on my friend's VOICEMAIL, even if it was asked for. Who would be that pompous?

If you noticed my post below, I did NOT stop on the side of a busy street as I picked up my Pei Wei and hide behind my car so I could take a self-portrait in the pretty flowers. I definitely have the sense not to do that.

I did NOT tear up when I saw the preview for next week's "Office." My life is NOT that vested in fictional characters!

Wow, that's a lot of things I did NOT do this week, but it sure feels good. What about you? Did you waste an entire day NOT looking at blogs? Surely you would NOT spend tons of money on to-die-for boots. Let me have it!


  1. Thanks for giving me a reason to NOT start pilates. Great post!

  2. LOL at the cow post. That was good.

  3. WOOHOO for the Office wedding tonight!!! My eyes welled up at the commercial too!

  4. I would NEVER leave a full minute of grammar instruction on my friend's VOICEMAIL, even if it was asked for.

    I need this. I'm horrible at grammar.


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