Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Dear Spring, Don't be shy. You can come visit us for a few months. We've been cleaning like madpeople preparing for your arrival. Thank you for longer days, warm sunshine, and thunderstorms that wash away the winter and leave a trail of green! Heck, you can stay all year if you want! Kindly, LB

Dear E. Loerke,
Thanks to you and Tim for being such a great example of a beautiful, adventurous couple with the love God intended for man and wife, and the zeal God intended for those who know and love Him. I so wish I could sit with you and hear your story over warm mugs of cocoa. Until that day, know that your letters are not only changing your marriage, but they are helping to change mine! Inspired, LB

Dear Sweet Potatoes,
Sorry I bought several of you and will never end up using you. You can die a slow death until you end up in the trash and I will be forever ignorant about what happens to you. You see, the other night we went to McNellie's and had their sweet potato fries, and now we are ruined forever. The perfect crunch, the sweet bite, and then a dash of salt strategically placed for that "Mmmmm" factor. Mine will never do you justice. Ruined for Life, LB

Dear Little White House,
You've been a great house for our entire marriage and Jef's bachelorhood. But it's time for us to move on to lots of natural light, a five-minute drive to work, and more bedrooms to fill with babies someday. I will miss your spacious kitchen, Saturday morning runs down Main Street, walks for fresh produce at the farmer's market and a treat from the little French chocolate shop, my neighborhood Reasors, and how close you are to the BA Expressway. We've enjoyed putting lots of hard work and memories into you, but I know someone great will see you, buy you, and take care of you when we're gone. In Fond Memory, LB

Dear JT, 
This morning when I made my batch of morning oats, I discovered that someone had kidnapped my beloved peanut butter and honey from the cupboard. Do you think that means that someone might like PB&honey sandwiches as much as I do? Could he have wanted to make those sandwiches at work? I think I will have to punish you with kisses, even though my oats felt naked without their main squeezes (ha). Thank you for challenging me every day. Love you more than Carrabba's spicy chicken soup, LB

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