Monday, June 1, 2009

Not Me! Monday

It's about that time again! Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Still interviewing, I did NOT press delete on a guy's resume immediately after reading "Dear Sir(s):" I certainly wouldn't slight someone just because they neglected the female salutation. NOT me!

And I DIDN'T judge a girl based on her diva name and diva-like tendencies, such as asking her "assistant" to confirm the interview with me and canceling because I didn't email her after-hours even though my availability was never a question as I set and confirmed the time. NOT hired!

On Memorial Day, I did NOT get some work done around the house and then retreat to a practically deserted Panera Bread with a decidedly French lunch (baguette, onion soup, apple) and my laptop to get some writing done. NO, I had much more productive things to do.

After battling for weeks, I would NEVER report Crunchless Abs to their Better Business Bureau. NO, that would be way too cold-hearted, even if they did have 291 previous complaints. I did NOT tear up in relief when I received the call that they were removing my name from the debt collection list and giving me a full refund, NOR did I run in and tell my co-workers and call my husband in delight. (He did NOT laugh at me when I told him I did NOT tear up.)

JT and I did NOT get "Something Chocolate" on our date to Red Rock Canyon Grill. We stopped after our healthy trout plate we so frugally shared.

I did NOT somehow manage to run four times last week! That's NOT a milestone because it's a regular occurrence. I did NOT have a blast running to the Farmer's Market on Thursday and buying some scallions to put in that night's dinner. On Sunday, I did NOT paint with church in the morning, swim all afternoon, and then run at night. I am much more responsible with my skin! I would NEVER allow my skin to get sunburnt. And I am certainly NOT too lazy to upload the pictures I took last night.

Well that's it! DON'T leave a comment to let me know what you HAVEN'T been doing!


  1. I do NOT buy the fun-size Almond Joys for my before bed snack, because a) that would not be healthy and b) the other members of my family do not like coconut. I would NOT purposely buy candy that will only be eaten by me. Nope, I would NEVER do that. ;-)

  2. LT,
    I just want you to know that I was NOT paranoid about choosing the proper salution to begin my cover letter to perfect strangers as I sent out resumes last week. Nope, not me.
    (But seriously, how should you address a letter where there is no contact name to be found?!!! I have searched high and low and am not satisfied with what I am finding)

  3. Thanks LT!! I am no longer worried. You rock :)

  4. Lol at you discounting both the people who were stupid/rude to you in their interviews! I probably would have done that same. :)


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