Monday, December 20, 2010


dear weekend, thank you for bringing lots of opportunities for rest, reading, writing, and watching cheesy movies. sometimes we just need a weekend that doesn't include very much work. can I have ten more of you? LB

dear JT's dad, please feel better soon. we want you home for Christmas this year! <3 <3 LB

dear short work week, I have been looking forward to you all year. three cheers for cookie baking, novel writing, and spending time with la familia. can I have one more of you? oh wait! see you again next week! LB

dear running, I miss you a lot, but we need a little break. you did something bad to my hip and knee that won't go away unless we're apart. know that I may be cheating on you with the elliptical, but I'll be thinking of you the entire time. urs 4eva, LB

dear new family tradition, we started you last year and I can't think of a better celebration of love for a kid who grew up in the late 80s and 90s. can't wait to write about you, LB

dear december, sometimes you make me a little down in the dumps. I don't know what it is about you, but there are just some moments where honestly, I don't feel like myself. maybe it's the cold weather, the lack of sunshine, or the fact that my favorite season has just said goodbye, but this year, I'm determined to find joy in the little things and make you the best ever. turning over a new leaf, LB

dear JT, I'm so looking forward to 2011 and the opportunity to be more intentional about our marriage and making it the best year for us yet. thank you for putting up with me, my tendency to "read into" things, and of course, my mule-like stubborn tendencies. love you from the east to the west, LB

:: letters inspired by Emily at Today's Letters! ::


  1. Dear LB,
    Im excited for the new family tradition that we get to be apart of this year. Bring it. And keep away the snow and ice.
    Love, LJ

  2. I do love your letters!

    Enjoy your break from running. It's important to take a break when your body needs a break.


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