Christmas is in full swing at my office. I found my office decorated when I returned from my stint with the flu. It's pretty!
While I was at home, I accomplished so much. I maintain that I work best in the comfort of sweats, on the floor, with my tv on. It's just the way I've always been. I need distraction to function.
JT used to have the option of working four ten-hour shifts instead of five days. If given the option, I'd work Friday over Monday every time!
We have an institution called Cave Mode. As long as there are no clients coming, (we work primarily by phone and email) we turn off our lights except for a lamp, and something about it just helps us focus better.
Celebrations are all-out in our office. And I think it really contributes to our morale. It helps that as a service-oriented company, we have lots of giving people who like to make each other feel speshul :)
We drink a lot of water. Wow.
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