Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Sampson is home. I don't know if I've ever been more exhausted in my life. Luckily, all the horror stories about puppies yowling all night were not true for our boy. But let's just say in the morning, he was more than ready to make up for lost time.

Let me rewind for a bit. We had a great dinner with Meseidy and Obed, as usual. We have really enjoyed getting to know them and spending time with them. Their friendship is living proof that Sampson has been a blessing in disguise in so many ways. Then we took our "doggie bag" home. He and JT played soccer in the yard for a little while. He only yowled for maybe 30 minutes off and on when we put him to bed and then he was done and slept through the night.

I, unfortunately, was not so lucky. Hopefully it's not Sampson that's making JT's allergies horrible, because he is pretty much allergic to everything outside. I'm not sure how much JT slept, but after going to bed at around 1:00, I woke up around 3:00 and didn't fall back to sleep until sometime after 5:20.

When my alarm went off at 6:16, I think Sampson was awake, but he didn't wake us up or anything. I carried him outside and the fun began. He went potty and then I fed him and his muddy paw prints. He is in this typical puppy stage where he wants me to be one of his brothers. Let's just say when we start puppy school on Sunday, we will have to work on biting and scratching!

So day one of taking care of a living being has been a success so far. I'm not going to lie, there have been some frustrating times already like when Sampson pooped in the house this morning or when he got work pants #1 full of mud, but we are living, learning, and loving every minute. As so many have been so kind to point out, getting a puppy is like having a baby in many ways, but we are determined to take it one step at a time and be really intentional about loving and being patient with him! Because he is just a baby, after all!

Here are some fun facts about Sampson at eight weeks:
  • He is a big boy at a whopping 16.2 lbs! I think he is 2 full pounds bigger than his brothers and sisters.
  • He thinks his water bowl is his personal swimming pool and always dips his paws in.
  • He will not poop unless I go back inside. 
  • He eats a big breakfast and a smaller lunch and smaller dinner.
  • Our backyard is two levels, and Sampson cannot reach the second level yet. (Give it a few weeks.) When I got up on our porch swing on the second level, he was blissfully playing with his football (see above) but started freaking out when he couldn't get to me!
  • His mommy (me) is trying reeeeally hard not to take 20932932 pictures of him and post them on blog/twitter/facebook/etc.!
  • We may or may not be playing the Glee soundtrack in the room with him so he doesn't feel so lonely!


  1. I think it's okay if you want to post 30394849234987234987234 pictures. And yes, it's crazy how hard a puppy can be. Mini yelped for 3 weeks straight and she didn't get completely potty trained for over a YEAR. Yes, patience is good, and well worth the love! Yay Samson!

  2. I know! When DID we grow up ? Seems like we were just kidnapping you for your 18th bday :)

    I miss our adventures!

    But, I love your blog (it's on my list of favs)! And, I love reading about your life and the adventures it's currently taking you on :)

    Congrats on Samson!! So fun !
    Keep in touch!

  3. "He eats a big breakfast and a smaller lunch and smaller dinner."
    Are you already teaching him your dieting secrets. :)


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