Friday, October 22, 2010

dear JT

dear JT,
Thank you for going to the grocery store with me last night.
For bringing me my favorite ice cream cone.
For date nights.
For listening to me with patience.
For pursuing me and learning more about me.
Thanks for letting me sleep in sometimes.
For taking the dinner bowls in the living room to the sink.
For being supportive of my running.
For hugs and kisses whenever I want them.
For being patient that I haven't cooked very much lately.
For liking my friends. And my food.
For turning off the lamp and taking off my glasses and putting my book up when I fall asleep
For listening to stories. And repeat stories.
For watching my sports teams. 
(Even though you hate the Longhorns and baseball. (GO RANGERS!))

Thanks for putting up with me always. 
Because I know it's a lot sometimes.

1 comment:

  1. Running update! I wish I could do the Tulsa run with you.


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